£600- Rune system have 5 main rune.
- All main rune have 12 sub rune. (5 x 12 = 60 Other Point)
- Rune maximum level 2.
- Rune level step price 12 rune point.
- You can reset rune any time.
- You can active maximum 4 main rune point and 2 second rune.
- Rune points purchase items change every week. (For player)
- Runes have no duration.
- Runes pages like League Of Legends.
- Tribushit: Every 3rd hit the enemy recievest extra dmg
- Blood Rush: Every 9th normal hit does extra dmg.
- Cold Feet: Your first basic attack against any target will heal you by 20% of the damage dealt and gives you 100 movement speed for 1.5 seconds.
- Average damage: Average Damage 10%
- Manadamage: Max. HP +1000
- Distance: Arc Range +50m
- Poisoning: Poisoning chance 10%
- Slowdown: Slowing chance 10%
- Blackout: Blackout chance 10%
- Attack Value: Attack Value +50
- Magic Attack Value: Magical Attack Value +50
- Critical Damage: Critical Damage +20%
- Lightning: Performing 3 basic attacks or skills under 3 seconds against players will deal 1000 true damage against the currently selected player.
- Flash: When you are out of combat for 1 second, you receive a given amount of movement speed.
- Soul Robbery: Collect souls of bosses and metinstones from level 90. Each soul gives 1 attack value. (max. 300)
- Monster: Strength against monsters +20%
- Devil: Strong against Devils +25%
- Orc: Strong against Orcs +25%
- Boss: Strong against bosses +20%
- Animals: Strong against Animals +25%
- Esoterics: Strong against Mystics +25%
- Metin: Strong against Metinstone +20%
- Undead: Strong against Undead +25%
- Zodiac: Strong against Zodiacmonster +5%
- Attack=Defense: Normal or skill attacks give you a shield that can absorb 500 damage.
- Time Jump: Every 5th skill causes 10% more damage!
- Berserker: Attacking players under 3 seconds with 3 skills or basic attacks will give you a given amount of movement speed for 1.5 seconds.
- Penetration: 20% Chance for piercing Hits
- Skill Damage: Skill Damage 8%
- Mount Paralyze: When you hit an enemy, he receives a debuff “Paralyzed” and he can’t mount for 5 seconds.
- Critical: Chance of critical hit +20%
- Surface Damage: Area Damage Boost +5%
- Individual Damage: Single Target Damage Boost +8%
- Speed: Movement Speed 20%
- Spell Speed: Casting Speed +10%
- Attack Speed: Attack Speed +10%
- Skill Master: Hitting your opponent with 4 normal attacks or skills adds extra damage to your opponent percentage of your life.
- Transfusion: When you kill a given number of players, your party members health is restored to 100%. Only party members receive this heal.
- Mantra Shield: Using al skill, your party member will receive a magic shield.
- Defense: Defense +100
- Resistance Against Skills: Resistance against Skill Damage 10%
- Defense in %: Defense +5%
- Magical Defense: Magical Defense +75
- Resistance To Attacks: Average Damage to Resistance 10%
- Resistance To Everything: Defense Bonus +5%
- Block: Chance to block a close-combat attack 5%
- Dodge: Chance to avoid Arrows 10%
- Reflect: 10% Chance to reflect close combat hits
- Skill Specialist: Beeing 10 seconds in combat your spellspeed will increase.
- Slows Down: Your first strike slows the enemy.
- Thief: Double Itemdrop +5%
- Mount Bonus: Mount Reinforcement +20%
- Reinforced Dew Points: Potion 20% effect raise.
- Enchanced Healing Effects: Healing +10%
- Enchaned Bonuses: Increase the duration of Buff Skills for 240 seconds.
- Enchanced healing effects: Aura: Healing +5%
- Leadership: Increases your leadership bonus by 20%
- Experience: Experience Bonus 20%
- Item Drop: 20% Chance to drop double the Items
- Yang: 20% Chance to drop double Yang